The Expanding World of Pelindaba

With the continued refinement of our farming, distillation, production and retail operations, we are fully scaled up to broaden the availability of our product line. We are also ready to share the experience with others wishing to enjoy the many rewards of bringing lavender in all its forms to a wider public.

Opening a Pelindaba Lavender Store

We offer qualified parties the opportunity to share in our unique specialty retail adventure by opening a branded Pelindaba Lavender® store of their own in the geographic location of their choice. We have designed a program to make this a mutually rewarding endeavor as we grow to meet the increasing demand for our products. Leveraging the wealth of experience we have accrued over the past fourteen years, we provide close guidance with site location, store layout and product display, along with product, signage and marketing materials, as well as extensive training and ongoing support.
For more information about opening a Pelindaba Lavender Store e-mail us at :